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// We look forward to your visit to our subsidiaries.
ELWEMA Automotive GmbH
Dr.-Adolf-Schneider-Straße 21
73479 Ellwangen/Jagst
Plan your journey on Google Maps .
ELWEMA Automotive GmbH
Am Handwerkerzentrum 1
52156 Monschau
Plan your journey on Google Maps .
ELWEMA Automation LLC
13830 E. Eleven Mile Road
Warren, MI 48089
Plan your journey on Google Maps .
// Our distribution partners
Diego Briccarello / Giovanni Chissotti
Via San Quintino, 40
10121 Torino - Italy
Phone (+39) 3336078120
Fax (+39) 3493123275
Email: diego.briccarello@dimidue.it
Website: www.elwema.de/en
Jessie Liu
Floor 23 Scriven Tower
C24 Jian Guo Men Wai Da Jie
Phone (+86) 158 0156 5137
Fax (+86) 10 6515 6551
Email: Jessieliu@freeson.com.cn
Website: www.elwema.de/zh
Fan Hui
No.8, Flat A, Cheng Shi Jiang Shan
No.1 Dan Long Road, Jing Kai District
Chong Qing
Phone (+86) 136 0830 2130
Fax (+86) 23 6279 7907
Email: fanhui@freeson.com.cn
Website: www.elwema.de/zh
John Herron
12025 Rojas Dr. Suite G
El Paso, TX 79936
Phone (915) 730-6640
Email: jherron@labellesales.com
Website: www.elwema.de/en
Tim Josephs
PO Box 806492
St Clair Shores
Michigan, USA 48080
Phone + 313 378 3808
Email: tim@ptiusallc.com
Webseite: https://www.elwema.de/en
Hall Ding
Room 606, BUilding #7,
Lianhua international plaza,
No 7866 Humin Rd
Shanghai 201102
Phone (+86) 21 64365030
Fax (+86) 139 0176 5333
Email: hallding@126.com
Website: www.elwema.de/zh